Around a third of the entire global population is using the internet, so your business needs a website. And the website you have needs to be saying the right thing about your business, so that it brings clients to you, and retains existing clients.
5 things to check about your website:
Is it mobile optimised?
Can people use it on the move? Can they easily access it on their smartphone? Whilst commuting? If not, they probably won’t bother to go back and have a second look when they’re back at their desks. Mobile access to the internet has overtaken desktop access, so you need to make sure that the mobile experience is great.
Is the content right?
This might sound obvious, or unimportant, but it is neither. In fact, planning the content of your website is the vital starting point. Content needs to be regularly fine-tuned and updated, to make sure that it constantly says what your prospective clients need to be hearing. And make sure that it shows how you can solve your readers’ problems, rather than just shoving information at them.
Can visitors find what they came for?
Make sure that visitors to your website can achieve what they came to do within a few clicks. Make sure that they can find the information they need within a few clicks. If not, they won’t hang around.
Are you using video?
Video is a fast-growing medium on the internet. Good quality video will capture interest. It’s a great way of showing that you are the expert voice on your subject, and visitors will return if you are the source of their information.
Is it part of your overall “digital strategy”?
By using social media, email newsletters, blogs, video channels in a joined-up strategy, along with your website, you can engage a wide audience by many means, and feed them towards contact with your business.
Find out more at Digital Cafe
On Thursday 26th April 2018, we have guest speaker, Cliff Hewson, of OhSo Creative, coming to talk to us about Websites, and how to get yours right for marketing your business. He can help you explore the areas mentioned above and see what might work best for you.