How to stay safe while working from home

Working from home can be convenient, flexible, and sometimes necessary for various reasons.

But it does introduce additional risks when it comes to IT security.

When you’re working in the office, most security precautions are dealt with by your IT department.  When you’re at home, they have less control, meaning that YOU need to take up the slack.

How to stay safe while working from home

  1. VPN.  If it is your company’s policy to connect to work using a virtual private network (VPN), then make sure you know how to do that, and what to do if you have any problems.  Only connect using the VPN.
  2. Passwords.  You know this already – use a strong, unique password for each program and website that you use.
  3. Router details.  Change all router details away from the default values, otherwise they will be easily compromised.
  4. Separate user profile.  If you are allowed to use your own device, make sure that you create a separate user profile for work.
  5. Don’t add software.  If you are using a device provided by work, don’t add additional software and apps.  They could introduce malware, spyware and more.
  6. Private work space.  Find a space to work which is private, and where your screen can’t be seen.  Be aware of what people can see through windows and reflected in mirrors too.
  7. Lock your machine.  When you are away from your desk, lock your computer.
  8. Think before you click.  Finally, just because you’re not in the office, doesn’t mean that the usual security rules don’t apply.  Be wary of any emails asking you to transfer money, or to click on a link.  Think twice before you do anything, and don’t be awkward about double-checking by another method of communication if there’s any doubt.

For more help on this, or any other aspect of keeping your data safe, get in touch with us on 0114 287 0510 or


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