Do you have staff joining or leaving your team?

datamills (UK) Ltd is continually working to improve security.

Part of this is making sure that we only ever action requests for changes to your company IT, when they come from the right people.  That is, people with authority to request those changes.  That might sound obvious, but as businesses grow and change, it can be easy to lose track.  And should the worst happen, we don’t want to action changes requested by a disgruntled ex-employee, for instance.  Or even just to run up a bill through the best efforts of a well-intentioned member of staff who doesn’t isn’t really in the position to be asking for changes to the IT infrastructure, and probably doesn’t even realise that’s what they’re doing…

To achieve this, we need to have an up-to-date list at all times of who you have in your business, and what levels of authority they each have.

We are implementing a new policy whereby we are asking our clients to fill in a form for Onboarding and Offboarding staff members.

We’ll be asking you to complete a form for each new member of staff, and each leaver, and email them to

This will keep our systems up to date with your users, making it easier for us to deal appropriately with support tickets for you.

Of course, as always, if you can give us as much notice as possible this is helpful, and means we can get everything done in time for when you need it.

Here’s a sneak-peak at the form:

It may seem like a lot of detail, but it is all there to make sure that your systems are kept as secure as possible, things are neatly closed off when they should be, and we always know exactly what permissions each member of staff has.  If you need any help filling in the form, don’t hesitate to call the office and we will be more than happy to talk you through what it all means.


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