Creating video content for social media

Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and image content combined

This is the staggering statistic given by WordStream, a company providing online advertising services for small businesses.

1200% more shares!

Video is clearly a trick not to be missed when you are using social media to market your business.

So where do you start?

Well, why not come along to the next Digital Cafe Network and find out!

In association with Sheffield Hallam University and Fluid HD, Digital Cafe network will be presenting:

Creating Video Content for Social Media

On: Tuesday 12th July

From: 10am – 12 noon

At: Sheffield Business School


At “Creating Video Content for Social Media”, Tony Richardson, Creative Director @ Fluid HD, will be our guide through the exciting world of how you can market YOUR business using VIDEO.

It’s all about video at the moment. Plain text, and even still images, often aren’t enough. On your website, and in your blogs and social media posts, using video adds an extra dimension that nothing else can….as the statistic above demonstrates.

Using video doesn’t have to mean paying for expensive marketing companies to provide your content.  Most people have a high definition camera on their phones, so it doesn’t have to be expensive to create your own video content.

Come along and hear what Tony has to share about revolutionising your marketing using video.

• Tips for creating you own, good quality, social media video content,


(with 2022 being the “Year of Zoom”, and not forgetting that video is not just the sort you pre-record and post up…)

• How to look your best on those zoom calls!

There will also be opportunity to ask Tony questions, and for networking.

Click on the link above to book on, and learn more about how you can be getting 1200% more shares on your social media posts!


Digital Cafe Network is an education and networking event provided by datamills (UK) Ltd


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