Help with your business branding?

Many people think that branding for their business is just about their logo.

But it is far more.

Understand the basics of what branding is about, and you will be able to forge ahead with getting your brand known, recognised, and working for you.

datamills (UK) Ltd is proud to be the creators of Digital Cafe Network, a great place for education for business owners.  After a lot of disruption during Covid, we are delighted to be announcing our next event:

Branding 3×3 – the 3 cornerstones of your brand

Tuesday 14th June 2022

10am – 12noon

Sheffield Business School


Branding 3×3 – the 3 cornerstones of your brand is presented in conjunction with Sheffield Hallam University, and our speaker will be Clare Froggatt of Make a Brew.

Clare can help you understand and build your brand, using a strategy that will guide your business growth to delivering a brand identity that resonates with your ideal customer.
So if you want to learn how you can build your brand from an expert why not join us at our FREE event

Clare set up Sheffield branding company Make a Brew in 2019.  She says “I have over 25 years of experience in branding, digital marketing and graphic design. After many years of working for someone else, I realised that I would much rather work directly with clients and be able to give a fresh, bespoke service in all the areas of branding that I cover”.

The venue this time is Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University in the city centre:

Sheffield Business School

38-40 Howard Street

Sheffield City Centre

S1 1WB

Bring your own device, and come along from 9.30am on the 14th June to meet other business owners, grab some coffee, and get set up ready for a 10am start.

Click here to book a space at this free event.

We look forward to seeing you there, at Digital Cafe Network!




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