Online shopping
Online shopping is a fact of life these days.
It is so quick and easy. And very often it’s the cheapest option too.
With free next-day delivery (or even same-day), it’s so much more convenient than finding an opportunity to get out to the shops.
The risks
But the downside is that, even when shopping on reputable sites, there are risks associated with making online payments.
If the retailer suffers a data breach, the cybercriminals could end up with your bank details.
How to shop safely online
There are several easy things you can do to protect yourself when shopping online:
- Don’t save payment details for next time.
It will take you a few moments longer each time you checkout, but it’s well worth it – if you’re details are not saved with the retailer, they can’t be exposed in the event of a data breach. - Don’t use the auto-fill in your browser.
Again, entering the details each time means that your details aren’t stored anywhere a cybercriminal can find them on your computer. - Consider paying by credit card, rather than debit card.
There is more protection for payments in the event of fraud, and also the details are not linked directly to your bank account. - Use Paypal
This is another way to keep your payment method separate from your bank account details, so they can’t get out there. - Don’t use public WiFi when doing online shopping
Other people may be able to monitor what you’re doing, and grab your information. Your own data connection from your ‘phone is more secure. - Use strong passwords for your online accounts
This makes it harder for cybercriminals to hack into your accounts. - Keep software and virus protection up-to-date on your devices.
More details
Government advice
Have a look at the government “Money Helper” website for more helpful tips.