This Thursday we have another exciting event at Digital Cafe Network – Andrew Mills will be taking us through the world of Cyber Security.
Cyber Security …. what is it?
And why bother?
Well, you lock the doors to your office, don’t you?
So why would you leave your PC unlocked? The information on it is almost certainly every bit as important as the information in your filing cabinets!
Cyber Security …. Why align to a standard?
And, notes Andrew, as well as wanting to protect their own data, increasing numbers of customers are being asked by their clients to prove that they are doing so. Tendering for certain contracts may be dependant on holding cyber security accreditations, such as “Cyber Essentials”. Andrew has seen record number of clients requiring alignment to Cyber Essentials, Cyber Essentials Plus and the like, in the past year.
Cyber Essentials …. how to achieve it?
Having helped these clients to achieve accreditation, Andrew will be sharing common pit-falls, and ways to address them. Andrew’s company, datamills (UK) Ltd, is a trusted partner of Cyber Essentials certification body IndelibleData. IndelibleData states, “Indelible Data has selected partners who have demonstrated the skills and knowledge required to help companies achieve Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus”.
Cyber Essentials …. happy customer:
One client who Andrew recently helped to achieve Cyber Essentials was Mayflower Engineering. Their representative, Joe, said “The certification was achieved with help from local information security company datamills (UK) Ltd, who worked closely with Mayflower Engineering’s IT department throughout the project. I’d like to thank Andrew and his team at datamills (UK) Ltd for their support during this project. They provided valuable expertise which was key to us successfully achieving the Cyber Essentials certification.”
What about you?
If YOU need Cyber Essentials, we can help you too…
Until then, why not find out more at Digital Cafe Network this Thursday, 17th June 2021?