Improve security and reduce risk in your business

Did you know that the average lifecycle of a security breach is 314 days (from the breach to containment)?

Can you even begin to imagine the damage that disruption on this scale would do to your business?

It’s vital to make sure, not only that your data is backed up, but that you can get back up and running quickly after any incident.

It’s all very well having your data backed up, but if it takes days to recover, and then your computers need rebuilding, software re-installing and setting up, and then days more to load the data back in…  the hit would still be massive.

Like a sniper, the most dangerous cyber security threats are the ones you never see coming.

Even with firewalls, antivirus solutions, and cyber security awareness training for your employees, cybercriminals still manage to exploit any vulnerabilities they can find.

Cyber attacks are not a matter of “if,” but “when” they will occur, because there’s really no way for you to know every single vulnerability that exists on your network, or within your organization. After all, security risks come in all shapes and sizes, and, considering that threats to cyber security are continually changing and adapting, it’s a challenge to keep up with them all.

So, what can you do?

You can take the time to learn about as many cyber security threats as possible and work to identify and address as many holes in your defences that you possibly can. Granted, we understand that’s no small undertaking.

Or you can come along to our next Digital Café Network event!

Come to Digital Cafe Network on 19th December

This event is on Thursday 19th December 2019 from 10am to 11.30am.

We’ll be looking at how to reduce the risk and improve security and compliance within your business.  (The benefit of having a great plan in place for the security of your data, is that you will have already ticked the boxes for many regulatory and compliance requirements).

Come a share a pre-Christmas coffee with us, and get all the information you need to get off to a great start in 2020!

Click here to book or find out more




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