Complimentary Review of your Business?

If you could have a third-party expert take a look at your business, for insight into how to make it much more valuable, what would they find?

Would you value having someone to bounce business ideas off?

Do you need advice about how to deal with business challenges?

Not quite getting where you wanted to be, just yet?

You can walk away with a free, complimentary “Value Builder” business review (usually priced at £195 + VAT) after attending Digital Cafe Network’s next event…

On Thursday 11th July 2019, Digital Cafe Network is proud to present:

“Making your business massively more valuable”

with guest speaker, Mark Perry, who is an award-winning business coach working in the Doncaster and Sheffield areas.

This event will help you identify and then work on adding massive value to your business. There are 8 drivers of value in a business. Whether you are looking to:

  • ultimately sell your business,
  • hand it on to the next generation,
  • or just build an income stream and the time to enjoy the financial rewards you’re generating,

these 8 drivers are the keys to doing just that.

Timetable for Digital Cafe Network’s “Making your business massively more valuable“:

  • 10am for coffee and a short networking opportunity
  • Main presentation by Mark Perry, Business Coach
  • Opportunity to ask questions relevant to your own business
  • We’ll be done for 11.30am, so you can get on with your day.

…Only you’ll be leaving with your complimentary “Value Builder” business review to look forward to – £195 worth of review tailored to your own individual business to identify which drivers to work on.

To come along on the 11th, and claim your free business review, click on the link here.


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