Email – stupid questions I’ve been asked

Use email for work?

Hands up if you use email for work?

Anybody left with their hands down?  Very few, if any, I’ll wager.

In daily business, email is a quick method to exchange information by speaking, writing, subscribing, sharing, reporting, and presenting information. And obviously, it’s the prime method to handle customer queries. Communication is important in business, and email is a vital part of that communication.

So, it makes sense to know your way around emails, and be sure you are getting everything you need to out of them.

Need more out of your email?

What else is there to know?

I can type up an email and press the “send” button.  What more would I want?

Well, did you know that you can:

  • send text messages?
  • post to social media?
  • upload files?
  • start a video call?
  • recall an email to amend it?
  • control your smart home?

And that’s not all…  You can also:

  • sign legally-binding documents by email
  • legally prove the content of your email, when it was sent and when it was opened
  • transfer large files
  • and much more – you’d be surprised at what’s possible.

Find out more

To find out more, come along to Digital Cafe on Thursday 28th March 2019, where our speakers, Mike Roberts (Frama UK) and Andrew Mills (datamills (UK) Ltd) will be talking about

Email – stupid questions I’ve been asked

Simply click on the link above for more details, and to book on.

Then come along, armed with all your own questions…

You’ll never ask a question as stupid as this one:

If I eat myself, will I become twice as big, or completely disappear?

We’ll leave that one with you…!

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