Have you got a Backup of the Document you’re working on?

Document backup

When you are creating a new document, or working on one, is your work being backed up as you go?

Don’t I already have backups in place?

In our experience, we’ve found a lot of people start to create a document on their local machine.  When it’s finished they upload it to a centralised storage system (e.g. server) where it is backed up.  But was it backed up whilst they were working on it?  They may have spent 12-14 hours creating the document, only to find it’s become corrupted, and there’s no way to retrieve the work in progress.

What about “autosave” in Office applications?  Won’t that have kept a recent copy of my work?  Well, yes, but that’s no help if there’s a problem with your local machine – the copy could also be damaged.

So, we’re introducing our cost effective, automatic, cloud-based “Document Backup” system…

What does Document Backup do?

Document Backup doesn’t back up music, pictures or video files.  It just backs up common Office files, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and pdf documents.  In other words, the things you use for your work documents.  This is to give you peace of mind that you have a safety net to retrieve your hard work from, if it’s ever needed.

What’s the cost?

Prices start from only £5/device/month. For this low cost, you get UNLIMITED storage!  You can back up as much as you like, with no limit.

To find out exactly what would work best for the way you work, call us on 0114 287 0510 (don’t forget our FREE consultation).

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