datamills teams up with Police Cyber Crime Unit
At the recent Natwest event, Andrew Mills of datamills spoke alongside representatives from various other sectors about data security for businesses. Following the event, datamills has formed a close partnership with the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Cyber Crime Unit (RCCU), a specialist police department. The RCCU works with the National Crime Agency and other partners, in the UK and abroad, to investigate and prevent the most serious cybercrime offences.
Free advice available
Now, datamills, in conjunction with the Yorkshire and Humber RCCU, would like to offer any businesses wishing to gain a better understanding of the issues that face management and staff in modern day business, a free consultation.
Free half hour consultation
The Yorkshire and Humber RCCU is willing to spend half an hour with your management team to explain where you could save money, and to provide you with independent advice on how to protect your business reputation and finances.
For more information, contact Andrew on 0114 287 0510. He can give you further details, and arrange for the Yorkshire and Humber RCCU to contact you directly.
Free staff awareness training
The Yorkshire and Humber RCCU also provide staff awareness training. This too, could be available to your business free-of-charge.
For more information, call Andrew on 0114 287 0510.