Great staff
A good team of staff undoubtedly makes for the best business. With good staff, you will have satisfied customers, growth, a pleasant working environment, less stress, the list goes on…
But when you use computers on the internet (as most businesses do these days), even staff with the best will in the world can be a threat. This is because of the nature of cyber attacks, and how easy it is to click on the wrong thing, or believe a clever phishing email.
Even better staff!
Make your great team better – get them informed them about cyber security issues. Empower your staff with knowledge about cyber security. This will mean that they can run your business without unwittingly introducing cyber attacks to your system.
And regularly keep them up-to-date on the subject too – things change rapidly (and we all need reminding of the things we already learnt, from time to time!).
Provide training
Training yourself and your staff doesn’t have to be a big expensive project. “A quick Google for ‘examples of phishing attacks’ and a quarterly warning email sent round the office would be a good start for most smaller companies” said Chris Wallis from cybersecurity company Intruder, in a recent article in The Telegraph. Questioned for the same article, datamills managing director, Andrew Mills, said that it is important not to villainise your staff, but to get them on board as part of the solution.
Need help?
At datamills we specialise in Cyber Security, and this includes help with training your staff. Interactive, simple, fun, and memorable training videos are amongst the offerings, and are well worth trying out. Have a look at the “Staff Training” information on the datamills website for a taste of what we can offer, and sign up for a free demo!