Preventing data theft and avoiding whopping great fines under the GDPR

Preventing data theft and avoiding whopping great fines under the GDPR.

This is the title of an informative morning coming up on 10th October, for everyone who stores other people’s data electronically as part of their business.

Whether you run a care home, dental surgery, nursery, mail order business, or any business at all that keeps data about your customers electronically, you will be affected by the GDPR, and you need to make sure that you know what it means for you.

“Data theft”, “whopping great fines”, “cyber-attacks”, “GDPR” – all scary scary things – but not for long!

Cyber security experts, Datamills (UK) Limited, and commercial law firm, Ironmonger Curtis Solicitors, have teamed up to provide a FREE specialist seminar on the practical steps businesses can take to prevent data theft and to comply with the enhanced data protection requirements under the GPDR.

Toby Pochron (Associate Solicitor) of Ironmonger Curtis Solicitors will provide detailed practical guidance to cover:

  1. Data protection and why it matters;
  2. What is the GDPR anyway? – why is it good and why is it bad?;
  3. How to avoid getting (a whopping great) fine;
  4. Updating planning and procedures; and
  5. Five key practical steps to take now to demonstrate compliance.

Andrew Mills (Managing Director) of Datamills (UK) Limited will follow this with a comprehensive overview of Cyber Essentials and business protection, to cover:

  1. What is Cyber Essentials? (quick hint – is the government backed, industry approved scheme to help business protect against cyber-attacks – so you know it’s going to be good)
  2. The “Five Key Controls” and the two levels of certification;
  3. How to use Cyber Essentials to increase your business protection and show your customers that you give a hoot about their data; and
  4. How Cyber Essentials and avoiding data thefts can help your business access new revenue possibilities.

This is going to be a FREE session and is designed to be beneficial for businesses who are looking to put a cyber-security plan in place and who are looking to get moving with complying with the GDPR. The session will provide practical guidance on what to do right now with some straightforward and effective next steps.

Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

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