It really does help to know the right person…

At datamills, we have built up a network of “Trusted Partners”.

Our Trusted Partners come from all sorts of specialities.  These areas of expertise compliment our own, and may be of assistance to our customers when they’re looking for an overall service.  For instance, we have Trusted Partners providing everything from photocopiers to telephone answering services, from database writing to website design, and many more besides…

Because of these links, we like to think that when we’re chatting with you about your business needs, we can provide a holistic approach to giving you our assistance.

You saved us 2 months!

We were recently talking with customers who run a children’s day nursery.  We were carrying out a piece of work for them, which, even after we’d done our part and installed the hardware, was going to take a good few months to setup and get running.  After talking further after their needs, Andrew was able to introduce them to a partner of ours who specialises in databases.

He was just what they needed, taking only a few days to complete the work that they estimated would have taken them 2 months…  All this meant that they could have their new system up and running, and benefitting the children, much sooner than they had anticipated – all because of a chat with the IT company and a good connection made!

So, the moral of this story is:  “Speak to us about all your plans.  We’re always happy to listen, and, even if we can’t help, we have a network of “trusted partners” who we can introduce to you, who may be exactly what you’ve been waiting for…”

Call us anytime on the datamills office on 0114 287 0510.

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