We are very excited to launch a new season of Digital Cafe!
After consultation, head-scratching, and some looking around, we’ve added some new topics and speakers to the established favourites, and looked around for a new venue.
We’ve listened to some of the things you said you’d like to talk about at Digital Cafe, and the result is a mixture of the best of our old topics with a few new ones too…
We’re getting started on Thursday 27th April, with a new speaker, Rik Courtney, on the subject of Social Media Content – i.e. what content to present to the world about your business via Social Media. It should be really enlightening, and a great advantage to all of us who are still developing our idea of how to really get Social Media to work well for our businesses. We’d love to see you there – to book, click on the link below.
The line up for the next few months looks like this:
27th April – Now your business is on Social Media – what about the content?
11th May – Evernote for Entrepreneurs
25th May – Samepage Masterclass
8th June – Making the most of Twitter to market your business
22nd June – Secure your business
13th July – SEO and website content
All Digital Cafe sessions are on Thursday mornings, from 10am until approximately 11.30am.
*STOP PRESS* As for the new venue, well – we HAD found a new venue! Unfortunately, the great new place we trialled in March, is now no longer an option, as it’s doors have closed. So, we’re back to the drawing board on that one… In the immediate future, we will be meeting at Haggler’s Corner, on Queens Road. This is easily accessible from major routes, and has plenty of parking across the road.
So, as you can see, there’s loads for everyone, and we’re really looking forward to seeing you soon at Digital Cafe – simply click on the links above to find out more and to book yourself in! Any questions – give us a ring on the office number above.