Automatic upgrade to Windows 10 causing you problems?

Here at datamills, we’ve had a number of calls over the past few weeks from frustrated customers facing inconvenience because their computers have automatically upgraded to Windows 10.  From having no internet access, to being unable to access files on their network; from time and date settings changing to US format, to pdf readers suddenly and inexplicably not working, work has ground to a halt until our team came to the rescue.

As explained in a previous news article, the default setting on earlier versions of Windows computers is to automatically update to Windows 10.  So, unless you have changed the settings from the default, automatic upgrade will happen soon, if it hasn’t already.  You will be given no warning, or choice in the matter.  For the past 6 months or so, you may have been closing the box that pops up telling you to upgrade.  Clicking the “x” to close this box now sends the message that you want to upgrade!

When the upgrade happens, most things will work smoothly, but there are the odd exceptions – such as the web browser and pdf reader now defaulting to MS Edge.  If you are happy to use Edge, that’s ok, but if you want to be able to use your old reader/browser, you will need to alter the default yourself.  Here’s how:

  • Click on the Windows button and choose “Settings”.
  • Select “System”
  • Select “Default apps”
  • Change the settings to the applications you want to use

If you experience any problems like the ones discussed here, and need some support to get things back the way you need them to be, don’t hesitate to give us a call at datamills on 0114 287 0510

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